good looks combine to create our most popular style. Choose your
color of exterior to match your site. Choose your door & window
to match your needs. The Americana will be delivered to your site
ready for use. |

CLASSIC The Classic
style gable roof and lap siding make this beauty a first choice for
homeowners everywhere. For many reasons. Its full interior height
make it the perfect building for utility or special purpose. Like a
full-service workshop. Even a studio. |

DUTCH BARN Permanent
good looks and versatility make the Dutch Barn so popular. The
all-aluminum exterior, available in a wide range of decorative
colors, will provide years of carefree good looks. |

FLORIDIAN If you need
storage that's economical, you can't afford to overlook the
Floridian. Because only we build with Secure-it
TTM... the same type of strong
truss system found in your home. And the baked-enamel exterior of
the Floridian will never sag or rust. Guaranteed to look great for
years to come. |

up your landscaping with a Gazebo. Gazebos come with a stain package
or painted. Choose your style of railings and choice of roofing to
design a gazebo perfect for your setting. |
experience has helped us design the grower's choice of
From its thicker shatterproof fiberglass panels,
specially made to block harmful ultra-violet rays, to the optional
heavy-duty, treated floor, it's by far the standard of
excellence. |
as a guardhouse, this strong little building is engineered using
materials chosen for long life, security and low maintenance.

MULTI-MODULE This strong truss construction system interlocks
with a foundation resistant to termites, rain and moisture. And a
solid flooring tough enough to withstand heavy loads for years to
come. |

PINEYWOOD It makes for a great sales office. Or concession stand. A playhouse, pool house or cabana. Even a garage.. whatever requires durability and natural good looks.

MODEL What child wouldn't love a "place of their own"? Built
to withstand the elements, the PLAYHOUSE will offer years of fun for
kids of all ages. We call it a PORCH MODEL, because it's built with
the same structural integrity as all our other fine
products. |
to withstand the most rugged conditions, at the most economical of
prices. |
looking for a steel-frame, industrial-tough building, Robin has the
Standard of excellence. |
STUCCO Whether for storage, workshop, pool house, or garage, this picture perfect Stucco will look great for years to come. Who would of thought that a storage building could look this good?
let the Suburban good looks fool you. Under that durable
all-aluminum exterior is a building built to last.